Help SA:MP DayZ stay alive by donating!
We've changed the way for your to purchase perks and features for VIP players! It's a lot cheaper than it was before to get your VIP level or extra perks and benefits for your DayZ adventure! Credits are now used to purchase in-game items. The only way to gain credits is by purchasing them here - Here you will find all information regarding donating and receiving credits. The owners will give them to you once your payment is confirmed. These credits can be used to purchase premium VIP levels 1-3 monthly, weapons, vehicles, crafting ingredients for Builder status players, coins and score packages, Restore Cards, and official Builder Status to craft your own base!
$1 U.S. dollar = 10 Credits in-game
Use /creditshop in-game to spend your credits
*You spawn with 130 Blood (using a Blood Bag also refills you to 130 Blood!)
*Spawn with a Alice Pack (28 slots of inventory)
*Spawn with a Katana.
*Spawn with a Pistol and 1 Pistol Ammo.
*Spawn with a MP5 and 1 SMG Ammo.
*Spawn with a Country Rifle and 1 Sniper Ammo.
*Spawn with 1 Blood Bag.
*Spawn with a GPS.
*Spawn with 320 Humanity.
*Spawn with more hunger value bar (Normal: 100. VIP level 1: 130)
*Custom skin via /setskin.
*You will have 2 tires + Engine + 25% Fuel when entering a vehicle.
*VIP chat in-game (/v)
*Shown as Silver Premium in-game (/premiums)
*[Silver VIP] Tag when speaking in local chat!
*Permanent VIP tag on forum.
*Donator role on Discord and access to Discord VIP section.
*400 Coins added to your account each time you renew level 1 VIP!
Silver Premium Package Level 1 VIP
(40 Credits a month = $4)
This VIP status will last you exactly 30 days
Gold Premium Package Level 2 VIP
(80 Credits a month = $8)
This VIP status will last you exactly 30 days
*Spawn with 160 Blood (using a Blood Bag also gives you 160 Blood!)
*Spawn with a Coyote Backpack (38 slots of inventory)
*Spawn with a Katana.
*Spawn with a Pistol and 1 Pistol Ammo.
*Spawn with a MP5 and 1 SMG Ammo.
*Spawn with a M4 with 1 Assault Ammo.
*Spawn with a Country Rifle and 1 Sniper Ammo.
*Spawn with 2 Blood Bag.
*Spawn with 1 Medical Kit.
*Spawn with 1 Cooked Meat.
*Spawn with a GPS.
*Spawn with 400 Humanity.
*10% slower blood loss from gunshot wounds, falling and zombie attack damage.
*Spawn with more thirst value bar (Normal: 100. VIP level 2: 160)
*Spawn with more hunger value bar (Normal: 100. VIP level 2: 160)
*Custom skin via /setskin.
*You will have 3 tires + Engine + 50% Fuel when entering a vehicle.
*VIP chat in-game (/v)
*Shown as Gold Premium in-game (/premiums)
*[Gold VIP] Tag when speaking in local chat!
*Permanent VIP tag on forum.
*Donator role on Discord and access to Discord VIP section.
*1,000 Coins added to your account each time you renew level 2 VIP!
DIAMOND Premium Package
Level 3 VIP
(120 Credits a month = $12)
This VIP status will last you exactly 30 days
*You spawn with 200 Blood (using a Blood Bag also gives you 200 Blood!)
*Spawn with a Assault Backpack (45 slots of inventory)
*Spawn with a Katana.
*Spawn with a Pistol and 1 Pistol Ammo.
*Spawn with a MP5 and 1 SMG Ammo.
*Spawn with a M4 with 2 Assault Ammo.
*Spawn with a Spaz-12 Shotgun and 1 Shotgun Ammo.
*Spawn with a Sniper Rifle and 1 Sniper Ammo.
*Spawn with a total of 3 Blood Bag.
*Spawn with 1 Medical Kit.
*Spawn with 2 Cooked Meat.
*Spawn with 1 Whiskey Bottle.
*Spawn with a GPS.
*You spawn with 450 Humanity.
*10% slower blood loss from gunshot wounds, falling and zombie attack damage.
*Spawn with more thirst value
(Normal: 100. VIP level 3: 200)
*Spawn with more hunger value
(Normal: 100. VIP level 3: 200)
*Custom skin via /setskin.
*When you enter a vehicle that is not yet repaired you get it started automatically!
*VIP chat in-game (/v)
*Shown as Diamond Premium in-game (/premiums)
*[Diamond VIP] Tag when speaking in local chat!
*Permanent VIP tag on forum.
*Donator role on Discord and access to Discord VIP section.
*1,500 Coins added to your account each time you renew level 3 VIP!
Permanent vip status levels
Permanent Silver Premium Package (Level 1 VIP Permanent) ($20) This VIP status will last you forever it is permanent.
Permanent Gold Premium Package (Level 2 VIP Permanent) ($35) This VIP status will last you forever it is permanent.
Permanent Diamond Premium Package (Level 3 VIP Permanent) ($50) This VIP status will last you forever it is permanent.

weapons & temporary vehicles

Temporary Vehicles last 4 hours and will respawn in the same spot where it was bought.
*Beagle (plane): 5 Credits
*Crop Duster (plane): 5 Credits
*Maverick (helicopter): 5 Credits
*Dinghy (boat): 5 Credits
*Jester: 5 Credits
*Phoenix: 5 Credits
*Comet: 5 Credits
*Sandking: 5 Credits
*Huntley: 5 Credits
*Freeway: 5 Credits
*Banshee: 5 Credits
Please note you only receive the weapon while you are alive.
If you die for any reason you lose the weapon.
*1 C4 Explosive: 7 Credits
*9mm Pistol 200 ammo: 3 Credits
*Silent Pistol 200 ammo: 3 Credits
*Shotgun 200 ammo: 3 Credits
*Combat Shotgun 200 ammo: 3 Credits
*M4 300 ammo: 3 Credits
*Sniper Rifle 200 ammo: 3 Credits
*Mountain Bike: 5 Credits
*Sanchez: 5 Credits
*Admiral: 5 Credits
*Yosemite: 5 Credits
*LSPD Cruiser: 5 Credits
*Patriot: 5 Credits
*FBI Rancher: 5 Credits
*Ambulance: 5 Credits
*Bandito: 5 Credits
Only vehicle models that are currently in the server can be picked as a private vehicle.

builder status
Builder Status allows you to create a crafting table in order to craft your own base using Wood Logs and Iron! Use /help in-game for more information about Crafting. You can apply for Builder Status on the forums if you have 80 score for free (1,000 coins). But, if you don't feel like waiting so long, you can purchase Builder Status with Credits anytime you want! /help and /cmds in-game for more information to start crafting your own base.
*Builder Status: 100 Credits
Crafting Ingredients Packages for builders
You must already be a Builder in order to purchase one of these packages. Each crafting package you purchase will range in 20-120 Credits. Once your purchase any crafting package in-game with /credishop your crafting items (Wood Log and Iron) will be automatically set into your crafting table!
*Small Crafter Pack: 30 Credits = +20 Iron +100 Wood Log
*Medium Crafter Pack: 60 Credits = +40 Iron +150 Wood Log
*Large Crafter Pack: 90 Credits = +60 Iron +250 Wood Log
*Huge Crafter Pack: 120 Credits = +100 Iron +350 Wood Log
*Small Wood Pack: 20 Credits = +100 Wood Log
*Medium Wood Pack: 40 Credits = +150 Wood Log
*Large Wood Pack: 60 Credits = +250 Wood Log
*Huge Wood Pack: 80 Credits = +350 Wood Log
*Small Iron Pack: 25 Credits = +30 Iron
*Medium Iron Pack: 50 Credits = +50 Iron
*Large Iron Pack: 70 Credits = +75 Iron
*Huge Iron Pack: 90 Credits = +125 Iron
restore cards
Restore Cards can be used to reset you to your previous death location with all your old stats (Alive time, kill streaks, blood, weapons, loot, items, etc.) You can use a Restore Card with /usecard! Once you purchase Restore Cards in-game with /creditshop they will be automatically added to your account. Tip when using Restore Cards: /statsave often so whenever you die, you'll know what stats you'll respawn to when using /usecard.
*1 Restore Card: 25 Credits
*5 Restore Cards: 120 Credits
Coins and Score Packages
*Coins and Score 1: 40 Credits = +30 Score +1,000 Coins
*Coins and Score 2: 80 Credits = +50 Score +2,000 Coins
*Coins and Score 3: 120 Credits = +100 Score +3,000 Coins
*Coins and Score 4: 150 Credits = +150 Score +4,000 Coins
Survival XP is used to raise up your special /survival skills.
*10 Credits = 1,000 Survival XP
*90 Credits = 10,000 Survival XP
*220 Credits = 25,000 Survival XP
Special items that raise your Blood
level and give you immunity.
*10 Credits = 1 Marijuana
*5 Credits = 1 Blood Rose
*3 Credits = Antipoison Berry
private premium bases and gang bases
*Small Private Base: $30.00
*Medium Private Base: $40.00
*Large Private Base: $50.00
*Gang Private Base: $20.00
*Base Vehicles: $5 each
All Premium Private Bases and Gang Bases are gate and password secured. Only anyone who has your gate password can enter, only gang members can enter. Mappers will map the base for you or you can create your own base.
how to purchase credits
step 1: click buy now
step 2: donate desired
amount $1 = 10 credits
step 3: post a topic on the forum in the donations section using this format:
Your Real First Name:
Your In-game Name:
Amount Donated:
What item did you donate for?:
PayPal Transaction ID:
(If you used WesternUnion or MoneyGram PM Die4Peace the transaction ID number